

Round 12

Round Round Ref.
Round 12 EIDPS006
Reynaldo Linares Palomino (£15,795)
RBGE - Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh
01/09/2004 - 31/08/2005
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Round 12 EIDPR022
Community based wetland management in the Middle East (£1,290)
TAIB - The Albufera International Biodiversity Group
01/06/2004 - 10/06/2004
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Round 12 EIDPR021
Capacity building for biodiversity conservation through the sustainable use of insects (£3,000)
University of Cambridge - Geog
01/07/2004 - 21/07/2004
Papua New Guinea
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Round 12 EIDPR020
Reconstruction of diet, movement and distribution of sharks (£2,536)
Bangor University - Ocean Sci
08/08/2004 - 14/08/2004
South Africa
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Round 12 EIDPR019
Afro-Asian elephant community conservation network (£2,620)
Friends of Conservation - UK
08/08/2004 - 18/08/2004
Kenya, Thailand
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Round 12 EIDPR018
Galapagos coral mapping: impact mitigation and monitoring (£1,954)
University of Oxford - ECI
05/08/2004 - 26/08/2004
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Round 12 EIDPR017
From the noospheric paradigm towards public involvement in the preservation of the unique native woodlands of Europe (£2,060)
JHI - The James Hutton Institute
10/06/2004 - 20/06/2004
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Round 12 EIDPR016
Conflict resolution between people and carnivores outside reserves in Kenya (£2,110)
Bangor University
27/09/2004 - 04/10/2004
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Round 12 EIDPR015
Conservation of the critically endangered hirola antelope (£2,530)
Bangor University - CAZS
12/06/2004 - 28/06/2004
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Round 12 EIDPR014
Institutional, botanical and ethnobotanical support for Reserva Biosfera Yaboti (£2,100)
Eden Project - Bodelva
10/10/2004 - 20/10/2004
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Round 12 EIDPR013
Simulating potential future threats to biodiversity in the Okavango Delta (£2,572)
UCL - University College London
22/11/2004 - 30/11/2004
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Round 12 EIDPR012
Conservation reef and lagoon habitats and biodiversity at Aldabra Atoll (£2,984)
University of Cambridge - Geog
05/03/2005 - 12/03/2005
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Round 12 EIDPR011
The Sociable Lapwing Project (£1,486)
University of St Andrews - Biology
01/05/2004 - 01/10/2004
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Round 12 EIDPR010
Developing a sustainable conservation network for primates in Ecuador (£1,250)
University of Sussex - SLS
06/07/2004 - 14/07/2004
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Round 12 EIDPR009
A biodiversity information system for habitat suitability modelling in the Kozelskie Zaseki Reserve, Russia (£2,980)
University of Brighton - E&T
21/05/2004 - 31/05/2004
Russian Federation
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Round 12 EIDPR008
Viruses, bleaching and loss of biodiversity in coral reef ecosystems (£2,960)
Plymouth Marine Laboratory
30/09/2004 - 08/10/2004
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Round 12 EIDPR007
Biodiversity, local communities and tourism in the Tambopata protected areas, Peru (£2,100)
JHI - The James Hutton Institute
15/06/2004 - 23/06/2004
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Round 12 EIDPR006
Sustainable fisheries management for wildlife and people at Koshi Tappu (£1,698)
WWT - Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust
01/06/2004 - 09/06/2004
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Round 12 EIDPR005
Indigenous plant regeneration and conservation in fragmented and invaded landscapes (£2,338)
Imperial College
03/10/2004 - 11/10/2004
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Round 12 EIDPR004
A biodiversity monitoring system for Trinidad and Tobago (£2,224)
University of Oxford - Plants
12/06/2004 - 17/06/2004
Trinidad and Tobago
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Round 12 EIDPR003
Access to genetic resources and benefit sharing in Bangladesh (£1,550)
FIELD - Foundation for International Environmental Law and Development
01/06/2004 - 01/07/2004
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Round 12 EIDPR002
Conservation of entomopathogenic fungi and nematodes in contrasting ecosystems (£2,760)
CABI International
01/07/2004 - 10/07/2004
Chile, Trinidad and Tobago
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Round 12 EIDPR001
Agroforestry for threatened species in southern Karnataka State, India (£2,980)
Imperial College
12/09/2004 - 18/09/2004
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Round 12 EIDPO005
Building capacity for the recovery of critically endangered Gyps spp. vultures in India (£74,210)
Zoological Society of London (ZSL)
01/07/2004 - 30/06/2007
India, Nepal
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Round 12 EIDPO004
Tree diversity, agroforestry development, and reafforestation in Andean Peru (£77,724)
RBGE - Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh
01/08/2004 - 30/07/2006
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Round 12 13-034
Wildlife health monitoring and capacity-building for leopard conservation in Russia (AKA Amur Leopard & Wildlife Health Project) (£197,244)
Zoological Society of London (ZSL)
01/01/2006 - 30/04/2009
Russian Federation
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Round 12 13-033
Combating Invasive Alien Plants Threatening the East Usambara Mountains in Tanzania (£139,199)
TBA Tropical Biology Association
01/04/2005 - 31/03/2008
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Round 12 13-032
Addressing a threat to Caribbean amphibians: capacity building in Dominica (£204,834)
IoZ - Institute of Zoology
01/04/2005 - 31/03/2008
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Round 12 13-031
Pioneering an innovative conservation approach in Sierra Leone's Gola Forest (£133,556)
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB)
15/10/2004 - 30/03/2007
Sierra Leone
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Round 12 13-030
Gurney's Pitta research & Conservation in Thailand & Myanmar (£109,992)
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB)
01/01/2005 - 30/09/2008
Burma (Myanmar), Thailand
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Round 12 13-029
Conserving Giant Clams Through Community Reserves in Lakshadweep Islands, India (£149,961)
01/04/2005 - 30/04/2008
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Round 12 13-028
Establishment & Management of Nantu National Park, Gorontalo Province, Sulawesi (£196,143)
University of Oxford, WildCRU
01/11/2004 - 31/10/2007
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Round 12 13-027
Developing reserves for biodiversity conservation & sustainable fisheries in Rodrigues (£152,905)
University of Newcastle Upon Tyne
01/02/2005 - 31/01/2008
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Round 12 13-026
Guide to the Forest Trees of Southern Thailand (£53,755)
RBG Kew - Jodrell
01/01/2005 - 31/12/2007
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Round 12 13-025
Pioneering Community-based Conservation Sites in the Polillo Islands, Philippines (£169,050)
Fauna and Flora International (FFI) - UK
01/02/2005 - 31/01/2008
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Round 12 13-024
Inventory and conservation of the bryoflora of South-West Patagonia (£186,280)
University of London - QMUL - Queen Mary & Westfield College
01/10/2004 - 31/03/2007
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Round 12 13-023
Tropical Forest Canopy Training Programme for the ASEAN Region (£107,553)
Global Canopy Programme (GCP)
01/10/2004 - 31/03/2007
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Round 12 13-022
Falkland Islands Invertebrates Conservation Project (£118,488)
Falklands Conservation - UK
01/09/2004 - 31/08/2007
Falkland Islands
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Round 12 13-021
Strengthening Capacity for Biodiversity Conservation in West Africa (£189,435)
Birdlife International
01/07/2004 - 31/03/2007
Ghana, Guinea, India, Liberia, Sierra Leone
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Round 12 13-020
Conservation of Eastern European medicinal plants: Arnica montana in Romania (£199,945)
Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF) - UK
01/05/2004 - 30/04/2007
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Round 12 13-019
The Greater Masai Mara Community Scout Programme (£115,830)
DICE - Durrell Institute of Conservation & Ecology
01/05/2004 - 30/06/2006
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Round 12 13-018
Building Genetic Forensic Capacity to Reduce South Africa’s Illegal Trade (£216,581)
University of Sheffield
01/05/2004 - 31/12/2007
South Africa
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Round 12 13-017
The Atelopus Initiative: conserving endangered Tropical Andean amphibians (£186,695)
CI - Conservation International Foundation
01/05/2004 - 31/03/2007
Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Venezuela
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Round 12 13-016
Endangered otter and invasive mink in Patagonia (£89,664)
University of Oxford, WildCRU
01/05/2004 - 31/03/2007
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Round 12 13-015
Participatory forest management for medicinal plant production in Peru (£140,257)
University of Oxford - Contracts
01/05/2004 - 30/11/2007
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Round 12 13-014
Capacity building in mammal management for Western Cape nature reserves (£98,306)
University of Durham
30/04/2004 - 31/03/2007
South Africa
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Round 12 13-013
Establishing biodiversity monitoring networks to inform Estonian coastal wetland management (£177,765)
Earthwatch Institute
01/06/2004 - 31/03/2007
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Round 12 13-012
Integrated River Basin Management (IRBM) in the Sepik River (£120,000)
Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF) - UK
01/05/2004 - 30/04/2008
Papua New Guinea
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Round 12 13-011
Sustaining livelihoods and protecting biodiversity through development of pez blanco aquaculture (£173,850)
University of Stirling - IofA
01/05/2004 - 31/03/2007
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Round 12 13-010
Living Reefs: Community based coral reef management in the Pacific (£164,903)
Just World Partners
01/04/2004 - 31/03/2007
Kiribati, Tuvalu
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Round 12 13-009
Ethnobiology of proposed traditional use zones of Crocker Range Park (£129,280)
GDF - Global Diversity Foundation
01/08/2004 - 31/07/2007
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Round 12 13-008
Establishing community-based forest biodiversity management around Sapo Park, Liberia (£126,080)
Fauna and Flora International (FFI) - UK
01/08/2004 - 31/03/2007
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Round 12 13-007
Taxonomic training for a neglected biodiversity hotspot within Lao PDR (£156,022)
RBGE - Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh
01/04/2004 - 31/03/2007
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Round 12 13-006
DarwinNet - the Peru-Ecuador Dry Forest Clearing-house Mechanism (£195,951)
Birdlife International
01/07/2004 - 31/07/2006
Ecuador, Peru
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Round 12 13-005
Community Conservation and Sustainable Development in the Awacachi Corridor, NW Ecuador (£174,884)
Fauna and Flora International (FFI) - UK
01/05/2004 - 31/03/2007
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Round 12 13-004
Developing a model for the conservation of Croatia’s grassland biodiversity (£150,600)
Fauna and Flora International (FFI) - UK
01/06/2004 - 31/05/2007
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Round 12 13-003
Taxonomic capacity building in support of biodiversity conservation in Thailand (£205,416)
NHM - Natural History Museum, Entomology
01/06/2004 - 31/05/2007
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Round 12 13-002
Conservation Management Training and Capacity Building in Sub-Saharan Africa (£147,850)
Aberystwyth University - ICPL
01/05/2004 - 31/03/2007
South Africa
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Round 12 13-001
Conservation of wetlands and associated biodiversity in Northern Zambia (£131,669)
University of Aberdeen - St Machar
01/07/2004 - 31/03/2008
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