

Round 22

Round Round Ref.
Round 22 DARSC172
Developing Community-based Manta Ray Ecotourism in Raja Ampat, Indonesia (£4,750)
Marine Megafauna Foundation (MMF)
01/09/2016 - 30/11/2016
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Round 22 DARSC171
Sustainable beekeeping to support conservation in Digya National Park, Ghana (£4,700)
Bees for Development
11/04/2016 - 21/04/2016
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Round 22 DARSC170
A landscape management model for conserving biodiversity in the Comoros (£5,000)
16/05/2016 - 24/05/2016
Comoros, Kenya, Mozambique
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Round 22 DARSC169
Creating sustainable lives for people and wildlife in northern Kenya (£4,418)
Excellent Development
21/05/2016 - 29/05/2016
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Round 22 DARSC168
Protecting Yap’s Biodiversity by Eradicating Invasive Alien Species from Islands (£1,568)
Island Conservation
30/04/2016 - 31/07/2016
Micronesia, Fed. Sts.
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Round 22 DARSC167
Conservation and sustainable use of chameleons in Tanzania (£4,939)
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
01/04/2016 - 08/05/2016
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Round 22 DARSC166
Securing wildlife conservation in community managed sacred groves in Ghana (£3,670)
Wild Resources Ltd
11/05/2016 - 30/06/2015
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Round 22 DARFW044
Md. Monirul Islam (£18,900)
University of Oxford
01/07/2016 - 30/06/2017
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Round 22 23-034
Edible wild orchid trade: sustaining livelihoods and biodiversity in Zambia (£220,313)
01/06/2016 - 31/05/2019
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Round 22 23-033
Marrying community land rights with stakeholder aspirations in Indonesian Borneo (£291,185)
University of Kent
01/06/2016 - 31/05/2019
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Round 22 23-032
Local economic development through “pro-poor” gorilla tourism in Uganda (£331,874)
01/04/2016 - 31/03/2019
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Round 22 23-031
Science-based interventions reversing negative impacts of invasive plants in Nepal (£293,585)
RBGE - Royal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh
01/06/2016 - 31/05/2020
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Round 22 23-030
Harmonizing land use in Save Valley Conservancy, south-eastern Zimbabwe (£267,882)
Save the Rhino International
01/04/2017 - 31/03/2020
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Round 22 23-029
Investing in agroforestry options for forest restoration in Indonesia (£298,896)
Burung Indonesia (formerly Birdlife Indonesia)
01/08/2016 - 31/03/2020
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Round 22 23-028
Connecting coastal communities for integrated seascape management in Atlántida, Honduras (£306,552)
Fauna and Flora International (FFI) - UK
01/04/2016 - 31/03/2019
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Round 22 23-027
Cultural and economic incentives for endangered species conservation in Cambodia (£311,177)
Fauna and Flora International (FFI) - UK
01/07/2016 - 30/06/2019
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Round 22 23-026
Domestication of the Mulanje Cedar for improved livelihoods (£252,172)
Botanic Gardens Conservation International, Forestry Research Institute Malawi (FRIM), Mulanje Mountain Conservation Trust, Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI)
01/04/2016 - 31/03/2019
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Round 22 23-024
Securing marine fisheries, livelihoods and biodiversity in Myanmar through co-management (£299,870)
Rakhine Fisheries Partnership, Rakhine Coastal Association (RCA), Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS)
01/05/2016 - 31/03/2019
Burma (Myanmar)
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Round 22 23-023
Can health investments benefit conservation and sustainable development?  (£295,000)
Conservation Through Public Health
01/05/2016 - 30/04/2019
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Round 22 23-022
Developing Long-term Stakeholder Capacity for Elephant Conservation in Mali (£300,000)
The WILD Foundation
01/07/2016 - 31/03/2019
Burkina Faso, Mali
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Round 22 23-021
Promoting biodiversity in sustainable oil-palm landscapes for West African smallholders (£327,744)
University of Leeds
01/04/2016 - 31/03/2019
Ghana, Malaysia
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Round 22 23-020
Sustaining biodiversity, livelihoods and culture in PNG's montane forests (£299,959)
Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS)
01/04/2016 - 31/03/2019
Papua New Guinea
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Round 22 23-019
Achieving No Net Loss for communities and biodiversity in Uganda (£299,363)
University of Oxford
01/04/2016 - 31/03/2019
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Round 22 23-018
Alleviating rural poverty through conflict mitigation and improved crop yields (£318,827)
University of Oxford, WildCRU
01/04/2016 - 31/03/2019
Botswana, Zimbabwe
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Round 22 23-017
Building resilient landscapes and livelihoods in Burkina Faso’s shea parklands (£302,995)
Birdlife International
01/04/2016 - 20/04/2019
Burkina Faso
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Round 22 23-016
Yerba mate – a market-driven model for conserving Paraguay’s Atlantic Forest (£309,244)
Birdlife International
01/04/2016 - 31/03/2019
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Round 22 23-015
Guinea pigs as guinea pigs, reducing bushmeat hunting while improving communities wellbeing (£299,494)
Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS)
01/06/2016 - 31/03/2019
Congo, Dem. Rep.
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Round 22 23-014
Improving livestock management for economic-environmental stability in Mesoamerica’s Mosquitia (£299,699)
Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS)
18/05/2016 - 31/01/2021
Honduras, Nicaragua
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Round 22 23-013
Living with Tigers in Nepal: poverty reduction for human-wildlife coexistence (£189,000)
Chester Zoo
01/04/2016 - 31/03/2019
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Round 22 23-012
Improving Marine Biodiversity and Livelihood of coastal communities in Principe (£295,187)
University of Exeter
01/07/2016 - 31/12/2018
São Tomé and Príncipe
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Round 22 23-011
Transforming marine resource management in the Republic of Congo (£299,436)
University of Exeter
01/04/2016 - 30/09/2018
Congo, Gabon
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Round 22 23-010
Implementing a model for sustainable forest management in Cambodia (£285,323)
Birdlife International
01/04/2016 - 31/03/2019
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Round 22 23-009
Sustainable rangeland management to protect red pandas and herder livelihoods (£290,000)
Charles Sturt University
01/05/2016 - 30/04/2019
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Round 22 23-008
Upgrading and broadening the new South-Pacific International Coconut Genebank (£317,884)
Bioversity International
01/04/2016 - 31/03/2019
Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Samoa
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Round 22 23-007
Safeguarding Mesoamerican crop wild relatives (£297,400)
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
01/08/2016 - 31/07/2019
El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico
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Round 22 23-006
Translocating conservation success and skills-exchange across four Indian Ocean countries (£306,364)
University of Kent
01/04/2016 - 31/03/2019
Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius, Seychelles
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Round 22 23-005
Promoting the use of plant resources in research and development (£268,475)
Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI)
01/04/2016 - 31/03/2019
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Round 22 23-004
Ex-situ conservation of threatened plants from the Ivoloina - Ifontsy valleys, Madagascar (£235,894)
Madagascar Fauna and Flora Group
11/05/2016 - 31/03/2019
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Round 22 23-003
Eradicating invasive species from the highest priority Caribbean island  (£285,000)
Fauna and Flora International (FFI) - UK
01/04/2016 - 31/03/2019
Antigua & Barbuda, Montserrat
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Round 22 23-002
Important Plant Areas in Guinea-Conakry (£291,413)
01/04/2016 - 31/03/2019
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Round 22 23-001
Strengthening Cameroon’s capacity to implement CITES (£288,402)
Zoological Society of London (ZSL)
01/04/2016 - 31/03/2019
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