Tracking the Sociable Lapwing: conservation beyond the breeding ground
Key Facts
VALUE £141,000
WHERE Turkey, Russian Federation, Kazakhstan, India
To extend and develop local capacity to better understand and improve the conservation status of the Sociable Lapwing in all key countries along its migration routes and in its wintering areas
AEWA - Secretariat of the Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds, Nature Iraq, Sudanese Wildlife Society, RBCU - Russian Bird Conservation Union, Syrian Society for Conservation and Wildlife - SSCW, Doga Dernegi - DD, BNHS - Bombay Natural History Society, ACBK - Association for the Conservation of Biodliversity in Kazakhstan
Output 1. Satellite tag attachment and colour-ringing of birds on breeding grounds continues.
Output 2. Migration routes and stop-over areas are identified across the species’ world range
Output 3. Location, extent and habitat of the Sociable Lapwing’s wintering areas clarified
Output 4. Causes and degree of threats at key passage and wintering sites assessed
Output 5. Public awareness raised in all key migration and wintering areas on the importance of Sociable Lapwing and the degree and nature of threats that it faces
Output 6. International and national Species Action Plans developed and agreed within each of the key range states
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