Living with big cats in Terai, Uttar Pradesh, India
Key Facts
VALUE £6,800
The key objectives of the Project will be to establish a working relationship towards development of strong collaboration, facilitating the joint planning and implementation of the main project, with buy-in from the host country partner on the project approach and methodology. The partners aim to collaboratively develop a robust project that can effectively achieve a reduction of human big-cat conflicts in the project landscape using a replicable model of community buy-in, active participation and behaviour change. It will carry out essential preparatory work; review and evaluate existing information on human big-cat conflicts in the project landscape, and efforts put in place to manage and mitigate them over the past years. It will also engage with local grassroots organisations, local community members, and key individuals working on the ground (including officials and management staff
of the Tiger Reserves) to understand the local context of the problems and identify key stakeholders. These will be used to develop a Theory of Change driven Logical Framework for mitigating/managing human-tiger and human-leopard conflicts.