Regeneration and Enhanced Agro-biodiversity in Petauke (REAP)
Key Facts
VALUE £10,000
WHERE Zambia
Zambia is the world’s 5th hungriest country and the 2nd hungriest in S. Africa. 43% of children <5 in E. Province are stunted. Food production in E. Province is severely hampered by widespread environmental degradation caused by climate change, deforestation, chemically controlled mono-cropping and high numbers of free-ranging livestock. The resultant Darwin project would support smallholder farming families in Mbala Ward of Petauke District to enhance their food security by increasing agro-biodiversity.
The objectives of the visit are:
- To establish working relationships between project partners
- To identify solutions to key challenges faced by the community in the project location
- To gain support of the District authorities and other stakeholders for the scoping activities and the resultant project
- To build the capacity of project partners in project and proposal development
- To develop a draft project outline, logframe and budget
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