Community-based agro-biodiversity systems for improved livelihoods and climate resilience
Key Facts
VALUE £600,000
WHERE Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala, Costa Rica
Climate change affects agricultural production in Central America, threatening food security. This project will improve rural households' livelihoods and resilience to climate change by increasing smallholder farmers' access to locally adapted seeds. By involving farmers and indigenous people in the development of new varieties of maize and beans and the
conservation of the rich and native diversity in the region, and facilitate access to seeds through community seed banks, the project will contribute to improved food security in Central America.
ASOCUCH - Asociación de Organizaciones de los Cuchumatanes, FIPAH - Fundación para la Investigación Participativa con Agricultores de Honduras, FECODESA - Federación de Cooperativas para el Desarrollo, Panamerican/Zamorano Agricultural School, The Crop Research and Development Unit, University of Costa Rica
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