Securing Spermonde’s seascape through community-based coral reef fisheries management
Key Facts
VALUE £455,722
WHERE Indonesia
The Spermonde seascape supports approximately 500 coral species, 1200 fish species and 10,000 fisheries-dependent households. Over-exploitation has led to decreasing fish stocks, which worsens local poverty, threatens ecosystem health and reduces climate change resilience. In response, this project will stabilise fish stocks, improve ecosystem health and secure livelihoods. This will be achieved by establishing sustainable fishing practices, monitoring systems and co-management actions; developing market systems for marine products; and integrating evidence-based recommendations into MPA and Geopark management plans for sustainability.
Maros Pangkep Geopark Management Body (BP Geopark Maros Pangkep), BBKSDA - Balai Besar Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam, Regional Natural Resources
Conservation Agency, BKKPN - Balai Kawasan Konservasi Perairan Nasional
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