Andean bears and people: coexistence through poverty reduction
Key Facts
VALUE £266,625
WHERE Bolivia
By linking poverty reduction, improved wellbeing and benefits from biodiversity conservation, this project works towards human-bear coexistence in the southern Bolivian Andes. It focusses on developing livelihoods and increasing benefits from the protection of the bears, alongside research towards a better and transferrable understanding of the ecological and social dynamics of human-wildlife conflicts. The livelihoods of local communities and the conservation of Andean bears co-benefit from an integrated approach linking and improving livelihoods and co-existence with bears and pumas in the dry forests of the Pilaya watershed, Bolivia.
Natural History Museum Alcides d’Orbigny, Instituto de Investigación y Capacitacion Campesina (IICA), Centro de Estudios Regionales de Tarija (CERDET), Wildlife Conservation Research Unit (WildCRU) Oxford University,, PROMETA
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