Conservation social networking, ecotourism and land-use planning in Maputaland
Key Facts
VALUE £294,449
WHERE Mozambique, eSwatini
We will produce a transfrontier online social network and a stakeholder-led conservation planning system for Maputaland, a biodiversity hotspot in southern Africa. The social network will give an online voice to the region’s state-, private- and community-led conservation areas and ecotourism enterprises, letting them share news and information, publicising their work and boosting jobs by increasing tourism. The planning system will identify priority areas for conservation and community-based ecotourism that maintain biodiversity and local livelihoods.
Reduced poverty and increased conservation capacity in Maputaland through building online social networks to strengthen and promote conservation areas and ecotourism, and stakeholder-led planning to identify biodiversity-rich community-based ecotourism zones.
Izele Community Interest Company (CIC), Swaziland National Trust Commission (SNTC), Administração Nacional das Áreas de Conservação (ANAC), University of Swaziland (UNISWA), Universidade Eduardo Mondlane (UEM), All Out Africa Foundation, KUWUKA JDA