The CUT plan for large carnivore management in Tanzania
Key Facts
VALUE £299,090
WHERE Tanzania
Improved institutional capacity to reduce direct threats to leopard, lion, cheetah and wild dog by mitigating Conflict; ensuring sustainable Use; and reducing illegal Trade (CUT).
1. Standardised evidence based protocol on large carnivore management and conflict reduction agreed and accepted by government, NGO and local community stakeholders.
2. Standardised tools for monitoring lion and leopard abundance established, supported and implemented by WD, TAWIRI, hunting operators, and conservation NGOs.
3. Better enforcement of CITES through a systematic and centralised reporting system at exit points and identification of source populations for large carnivore products confiscated at customs checkpoints.
4. Established capacity in Tanzanian institutions, NGOs and local communities for conflict management, ensuring sustainable use of large carnivores, and controlling illegal international trade.
5. CUT large carnivore management plan for sustainable management of CUT threats to large carnivores.
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