Developing Cross-sectoral Environmental Governance Platform for Mount Nimba
Key Facts
VALUE £248,727
WHERE Liberia, Guinea, Côte d'Ivoire
To improve the collaboration between stakeholders across three sectors and three national boundaries to reduce threats to biodiversity from large-scale, multinational mining operations and support sustainable livelihood projects in the Nimba Mountains.
National Environmental Agency, Society for the Conservation of Nature in Liberia - SCNL, Environmental Protection Agency, Forestry Development Authority (FDA) - Liberia, Arcelor Mittal, Aide Universelle pour le Developpement de la Nouvelle Generation - AUDNG, Union des Volontaires pour le Developpement Integre de Zontomppiezo - UVODIZ, CEGENS - Gov of Guinea, CI - Liberia, CI - Conservation International Foundation, RBG Kew - Jodrell
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