Building constituencies for site-based conservation in Myanmar
Key Facts
VALUE £157,236
WHERE Burma (Myanmar)
1. To strengthen the institutional capacity of BENCA to prioritise, plan and undertake high quality applied research and use the results to achieve greatest benefits for conservation. 2. To develop SSGs at 4 areas of global conservation importance, empowering communities to manage natural resources and improve their quality of life.
1.1 Published conservation assessments of 2 EBAs. 1.2 Establishment of 4 IBA SSGs within the 2 EBAs. 1.3 Strengthened capacity of BENCA staff to undertake conservation planning. 2.1 Conservation undertaken by SSGs at 4 priority IBAs. 2.2 Increased community awareness to protect birds/ environment at priority IBAs 2.3 Follow-on proposals to scale-up SSG approach in other IBAs developed.
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